Over the next several Sundays we are embarking on a journey through the book of 1 Peter where we will discover and learn how the Apostle Peter encouraged the followers of Christ to live their lives and keep the faith in difficult times.
1 Peter carries all of the pastoral warmth of an apostle who’d seen just what the world thought of those who followed Jesus and learned to live well despite it. It’s a message of hope in the midst of darkness, encouragement in the midst of exhaustion, and a promise in the midst of this world of struggle. Something we can all relate to right now!
Peter’s letter was not written to instruct believers if they experience suffering, but when they experience it. Suffering is a guarantee for the Christian life, but that should not be a source of discouragement for those who follow Christ.

Join the Journey
We have prepared a daily journal for us to walk through as a church…so grab your Bible, favorite Bible App, audible Bible and listen or read the book of I Peter.